
Always wearing her dazzling smile, Joelle is bringing empowering energy to the stage! Always in for an early morning workout and juicy weighted glute bridges. Feel welcome to join a class and leave the room with burning glutes and all fueled up!

BTY CLB is not just a workout. It’s a growing community that embraces all while cultivating a safe and fun environment!

spark up..

If I would describe myself in 3 words.
Caring, free-spirited and beatific

How long it’ll take me to get ready to to the club…
45 minutes (excluding at-home dance party)

My fav club outfit
Anything sparkly, duh!

I find this very stupid
People that clap at the end of a movie.

If I could switch with a person for one day it would be
Person? I really don’t know. But if I could switch with an animal, it would most definitely be a golden retriever - having the best day at the beach.

Listen to my guilty pleasure song →