
From Norway to The Netherlands, she’s bringing good vibes to the CLB. As physiotherapist Caroline is all about taking care of your body and makes sure to give proper tips to all attendees during class ánd ensures you’ll be leaving with a sparkle on your face.

What i love the most about teaching are how attendees push themselves and the kick I get from watching them kill it!

spread some glitter…

If I would describe myself in 3 words.
Happy, energetic, conscientious

My fav drink to order at the bar
Tequila, dislike dancing with a drink in my hand

How long it’ll take me to get ready to go to the club
About 10 mins, I am quite lazy so I only bother to put some mascara on

If I could switch with a person for one day it would be..
Honestly… Kylie Jenner

My favourite exercise
Classic one, burpees!

Listen to my guilty pleasure song →